Deferred Disposition

Deferred Disposition

Get Your Criminal Charges Dismissed

Deferred disposition, also known as deferred adjudication, is a legal process where a defendant pleads guilty or no contest to criminal charges but is not immediately convicted. Instead, the court defers the proceedings and places the defendant on probation for a stipulated period. During this time, the defendant must comply with certain conditions set by the court, such as attending counseling, performing community service, or avoiding further legal trouble. If the defendant successfully completes the probationary period without any violations, the charges may be dismissed, and there will be no criminal conviction on their record.

What Criminal Charges are Eligible for Deferred Disposition?

Depending on the nature and seriousness, these criminal charges may be eligible for deferment:

  • Controlled substance offenses
  • Domestic violence offenses
  • Charges to someone ages 17 to 26 under the HYTA
  • Certain felony, misdemeanor, or ordinance violation cases
  • Minor in Possession (MIP) cases

Benefits of Deferment of Criminal Charges

Entering a deferment period for a conviction can be a life-changing opportunity. The benefits of deferment of criminal charges include:

  • Avoiding a criminal record
  • Opportunity of probation period to prove your worthiness of a second chance
  • Protecting your future
  • Improving employment and school opportunities due to lack of criminal record
  • Better sense of self
  • Peace of mind

How Attorney Mark Caldwell Can Help With Deferment of Charges

Navigating the complexities of deferred disposition requires expert legal guidance. Having an experienced attorney by ones side plays a pivotal role in helping clients understand and navigate this process.

Here’s how Mark Caldwell helps clients with deferment of criminal charges:


Evaluation of Eligibility

Not all charges are eligible for deferment. So Mark first offers clients a free consultation where we can assess whether the client qualifies for this option; thereby avoiding unnecessary legal fees if they do not.

Plea Negotiation

Mark negotiates with the prosecution to secure a deferred disposition agreement, potentially avoiding harsher penalties and a criminal record.

Crafting a Compliance Plan

Once deferred disposition is granted, Mark assists in creating a plan to meet all the court’s conditions, ensuring full compliance to increase the chances of successfully completing the probation period.

Monitoring and Support

Throughout the probationary period, Mark can provide ongoing support, helping the client stay on track, avoid probation violations, and offering legal advice if any issues arise.

Representation in Court

If any disputes or violations occur during the probation period, Mark can represent the client in court, advocating for their best interests and striving to maintain the deferred disposition status.

By consulting with Attorney Mark Caldwell, clients receive the knowledgeable representation and strategic counsel necessary to navigate the deferred disposition process effectively. This not only maximizes their chances of having charges dismissed but also minimizes the long-term consequences of a criminal record.

Contact Mark Caldwell for a Free Consultation