DUI Expungement

DUI Expungement

Remove an OWI/DUI From Your Record

Can a DUI be expunged from your record? YES!

You can request expungement of up to three felony offenses and an unlimited number of eligible misdemeanors, thanks to the Michigan “Clean Slate” legislation that became effective in 2022. That means you can remove a DUI from your criminal record whether it’s a first offense or even if it’s a super drunk DUI. An experienced expungement lawyer gives you the best chance at successful expungement.

However, the expungement process is unfortunately not a simple one. A small error in paperwork or process can result in a denial, and you won’t be eligible to reapply for at least three years. This is why you should never start down the path of cleaning your record without an experienced expungement lawyer by your side.

Helpful resource: “How a DUI can be expunged from your record”

Benefits of DUI Expungement

Did you know that a DUI (also called an ‘OWI’ in the state of Michigan) stays on your record forever unless you get it expunged. You can apply for expungement five years from the end of your probationary period. Expunging a DUI from your record has a life-changing impact on your employment, lifestyle, and future.

Here are the main benefits of expungement:

  • Better sense of self and peace of mind
  • Lower car insurance rates
  • Higher wages due to more employment opportunities
  • Helps you maintain your driver’s license
  • Better housing opportunities, due to a clean criminal record
  • Better student loan availability and options
  • Eligibility for concealed pistol license (CPL)

How Expungement Lawyer Mark Caldwell Can Help you Clear your Record

Applying for expungement is complicated and lengthy. If you apply for expungement and make a mistake or get denied, you must wait three years to apply for expungement again. Hiring an experienced DUI lawyer in Michigan who knows the process gives you the best chance.

Here’s how Attorney Mark Caldwell helps clients expunge OWI offenses:


Creates a Detailed Plan

With facts from your criminal record, conviction, and current lifestyle, Mark creates a personalized strategy to help ensure successful expungement.

Collects and Completes Paperwork

He’ll guide you through completing the application, fingerprinting, notarizing, proof of service, and other steps in the process.

Prepares for and Attends Hearing

Mark ensures he is 100% prepared to represent you and advocate for you in front of the judge.

As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, Attorney Mark Caldwell knows how to help you achieve successful DUI and marijuana expungement in Michigan. He’s helped hundreds of clients expunge convictions from their records and return to a life they love and are proud of.

Contact Mark Caldwell for a Free Consultation